The Grand Rapids Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society and the Great Lakes Chorus is guided by a group of men who fill various positions on the chorus board of directors.
Since the Great Lakes Chorus is a voluntary organization, we appreciate the extra time and effort required of them to keep our chapter and chorus running smoothly.
Here is the Grand Rapids Chapter leaders for the 2023 calendar year.
- President: Doug Weaver
- Immediate Past President: Tom Ennis
- Secretary: Tom Ennis
- Treasurer: Keith Tisdel
- VP of Chapter Development: Jay Bylsma
- VP of Music and Performance: Kirk Wood
- VP of Youth Programs: Silas Westers
- Chorus Manager: Bill McAndrews
- Director: Jamie Carey
- Associate Director: RT Williams
- Chapter Board Members-At-Large:
– Jim Russell
– Cole Carey
– Andy Fak
– Justin VandenBrink
– Bill McAndrews
- Webmasters:
– Tom Ennis
– Brian Atkinson